How to build a sustainable and cost efficient carwash


Building and constructing can be done in many different ways and with many different materials. In this article i am going to share a new and unknown way to build car wash walls. Many traditional carwashes are build with concrete. The downside of building with concrete is that it is slow and hard to build. Why would one not just use PVC wall panels for this? 

Building inner and outer walls with PVC Panels

PVC Panels are excellent in use and a lot more sustainable than old fashioned walls. They are light in use and walls can be build very fast because PVC Panels can click into each other which makes the proces of building walls and ceilings a lot faster. These panels also have some other great advantages: 

  • They are available in many RAL colours
  • Many panels also have a European fire classification B-s2, d0 when filled with concrete
  • Panels can be delivered filled with insulation material
  • Panels can be supplied in many different sizes

How are these panels made?

Almost all panels are made of old recycled plastic products. This way of producing gives plastics a second life and is very sustainable. More and more companies are seeing the importance of producing and developing in a sustainable way and are using recycled materials because of this. 

Where can I buy these Panels? 

A very well-known and professional company well known in the recyclable branche in Profextru. This company has more than 60 years of experience in using recyclable plastics and building sustainable products from this. With a global delivery service, the products from this company is using worldwide for many great projects. Excellent Panel used for car- and truckwash is a part of Profextru.